Eclipse IDE
RFPs for new Friends of Eclipse Enhancement Program (FEEP) projects posted
The Eclipse Foundation is actively seeking bids on 10 new FEEP Development Efforts, along with 5 outstanding Development Efforts that have not yet been bid. The objective is to have this work completed in the 1st quarter of 2017.
Back to school update on FEEP
You remember the Friends of Eclipse Enhancement Program, right? It is a program that utilizes all the donations made through the Friends of Eclipse program to make significant and meaningful improvements and enhancements to the Eclipse IDE/Platform. I think it is a good time for me to provide you with an update about what we have done in the last quarter with this program.
It’s FEEP-ing time!
FEEP does sound like a bird call, but it stands for Friend of Eclipse Enhancement Program. Yes, it is a mouthful. You may wonder what it stand for… Well, let me tell you!
Identify non cancelable background tasks in Eclipse
Two weeks ago I was in Paris for Devoxx France 2016 where I’ve presented what’s new in the upcoming Eclipse release (aka Neon — to be released in June). During the talk, I’ve been asked if Eclipse will eventually cancel a background task (a job in the Eclipse terminology) when it is asked for. Who never fulminate against a progress bar stating that cancel has been requested and that the task does not finish quickly?