Chromium / Eclipse SWT integration

Mikaël Barbero
Key takeaways: Do you want to see a Chromium based SWT Browser implementation? Please donate (or reach out to me if you want to do corporate donations) and the Eclipse Foundation will make it happens via the Friends of Eclipse Enhancement Program (FEEP). Browser support in SWT has always been a complicated story. By default (meaning without any hint from the application developers and the users), SWT relies on “native” renderers (Internet Explorer on Windows, WebKit on macOS and WebKitGTK+ or Mozilla/XULRunner on Linux).

Back to school update on FEEP

Mikaël Barbero

You remember the Friends of Eclipse Enhancement Program, right? It is a program that utilizes all the donations made through the Friends of Eclipse program to make significant and meaningful improvements and enhancements to the Eclipse IDE/Platform. I think it is a good time for me to provide you with an update about what we have done in the last quarter with this program.

It’s FEEP-ing time!

Mikaël Barbero

FEEP does sound like a bird call, but it stands for Friend of Eclipse Enhancement Program. Yes, it is a mouthful. You may wonder what it stand for… Well, let me tell you!